Behind the Thread

An impact production that aims to tackle over-consumption in the fashion industry.

Services: Photo/Video Production, Sustainable Events, Community Engagement, Digital Campaigns, Social Media Content, Influencer Campaigns, Relationship Management.

Partners: The Canvas: a United Nations Partner, Animal Instinct, Kerry Phelan Designs

We created a video in partnership with The Canvas, a United Nations Partner and sustainable brand brand hub for Kerry Phelan Design’s Lucielle collection. The short film highlights the beautiful textures of nature and upcycled textlies while simultaneously questioning the viewer on their purchasing habits and suggesting to buy less.

Held at The Canvas Bowery location in New York City, we created an event for hundreds of attendees to enjoy local sustainable artists. We had over 10 exhibitions featuring diverse talent and their creations; multi-media artists, paintings, spoken-word performances, textiles, fashion, video art, photography, and live music. Guests were served wine in reusable cups and delicious vegan finger foods. The event sold out and was a huge success.



